vacuity package


vacuity.controllers module

Uses client abstractions to serve Vacuity webpages.

Set the COMPLEX module variable prior to calling any functions in this module.

vacuity.controllers.browse(*args, **kwargs)
vacuity.controllers.get_proper_os(possible: str) → str

Returns “Windows” or “macOS” if a similar string is passed in, “any” otherwise.

Effectively escapes any values and ensures they are correct for passing to output or other Vacuity functions.

Similarity to “Windows” or “macOS” is determined by casefolding both the input and the desired strings. Any possible inputs that don’t match these are discarded and “any” is returned.

vacuity.controllers.index(*args, **kwargs)
vacuity.controllers.lab(*args, **kwargs)

Module contents

A web application to help people find space on campus.